Anti-Harassment Policy

Endless Night Vampire Ball has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind on our social media or in-person at events.  This is to make sure our guests who travel from around the world have a FANTASTIC time with our event and positive experience.

If a person engages in harassing behaviour, Endless Night Vampire Ball Staff and Volunteers will take prompt action in any form they deem appropriate, including expulsion or being banned from the Endless Night Vampire Ball events with no refund.

Our policy applies to EVERYONE associated with or attending our events and on social media channels. 

This policy includes outward accusations of criminal activity, slander or discrimination based on race, sexual orientation or political views (no Neo-Nazi or racist imagery is permitted ).  We are a neutral environment free of the mundane and accepting all who wish to civilly enjoy our events and activities both online and in real life.

This policy includes Vendors, Patrons (Attendees), Speakers, Guests, Professionals, Press, Staff, Krewe, Performers and Security are all subject to our anti-harassment policy.