The New Orleans Vampire Ball 2021 is on as planned!

We just had our meeting with the House of Blues management and the New Orleans Vampire Ball 2021 is on as planned! We are going to have an amazing Halloween unlike any other, so our Krewe is extremely excited to welcome you to the Crescent Halo.

Power has been restored to the French Quarter a week ago and the city is coming back to life as resilient as she is.  The Crescent city needs us more than ever to bring business and to support the city we all love!  Tours, food, performers and atmosphere are buzzing and let us make new memories, reminisce on old ones and walk down by the river in New Orleans.

There are many announcements to come over the next few weeks!  Keep your eyes on our Instagram and Facebook page for these updates.  We are focusing on bringing you as many local acts as possible for the best Halloween experience yet!

Get your tickets and the full schedule of events at 

Father Sebastiaan
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